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James Zabiela is a technical Jedi and pushes the boundaries of DJing to its absolute limit every time he plays. James has an uncanny knack of making everyone in the crowd feel as though he’s DJing just for them. Once the music starts, it’s not him and them: its everyone. James is a technical Jedi and pushes the boundaries of DJing to its absolute limit every time he plays. His skills take Pioneer and the kit into new dimensions.
A new single, a new label, a new direction and a new inner-found creative confidence: make no mistake, the most exciting episode yet in James Zabiela’s already incredible career is about to begin. “I’m definitely more confident about my music and studio expertise,” says James, who took a certain step back from studio production to concentrate on touring for a couple of seasons. But as his brand new single “The Healing’ so ready attests, the new JZ is more musical than ever.
Visit Jamez Zabiela Soundcloud
For table reservation contact us.
Para reserva de mesas y admision contáctenos.
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+ 54 1152648195 Argentina Office
+34 971317338 Main Office
NightAires is comprised of a multinational team that has been involved with the Buenos Aires club scene for over 10 years, establishing valuable relationships and taking care of the most demanding clients from around the world.
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